Products/Simplifile/Simplifile: Recording Plus

Simplifile eRecording Plus

The industry-leading technology of Simplifile—plus a team of jurisdictional experts

Simplifile Recording PLUS offers a full range of recording support—including document recordability review, eRecording, paper recording, and other key services used by California settlement agents, attorneys, and other clients.

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Put a team of California — and national — recording pros on your side

Even in counties that authorize eRecording, it helps to have a deep understanding of both ERDS and individual county recording guidelines, and the ability to take on paper recording where needed. With local and national recording expertise, including commercial recording, we can perform a quality control review of your documents and eRecord them through the powerful Simplifile application or record them over the counter, if necessary—saving valuable time for you and your clients. Simplifile Recording PLUS can help bring efficiency and confidence to your recording process. Make us a part of your A-team.

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eRecording services


Paper recording services


Mail-back services

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Property inspections

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Court research and copies

Our services—available throughout California

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Centralized document quality control and eRecording

Document recordability reviews of originals—or virtually through Simplifile—and eRecording from one of our convenient hub locations

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Centralized document quality control and paper recording

Document recordability reviews of your originals and paper recording at the county recorder performed by specialists from one of our convenient hub locations

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Dedicated resources for document quality control and recording

A skilled recording specialist can perform document recordability reviews and recording services from your location

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Mail-back services

Recorded originals with return addresses are promptly mailed back to the right location

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Court research and filing

Copies—certified or plain, case status, full abstract, document filings, research and retrieval of files, extended case research

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Property inspections

ALTA HI-LI Residential, ALTA HI-LI Commercial, Foundation Endorsement, LP-10; rural and rush options available

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Map recordings

Parcel and subdivision map filing, signature, and recording

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UCC filing

Secretary of State UCC filings

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Translations of documents for recordings and translation certification from the county

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Vital records

Birth, death, and marriage certificate retrieval

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Building permits

Filing and retrieval of building permits from the county

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Tax payments

Property tax payments delivered to county and receipt provided

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