
Simplifile eNotary frequently asked questions

What is the difference between in-person electronic notarization (IPEN) and remote online notarization (RON)?
Do all counties accept documents notarized by remote online notarization (RON) for recording?
Does Simplifile offer RON and IPEN services?
What do I need to know about eNotary acceptance?
Can Simplifile provide a list of counties that accept eNotary?
I want to eClose and need to know where I can eNotarize safely. How can Simplifile help?
I’m using a different eClosing provider than Simplifile’s eClosing partners, how can I get eNotary information?
As a servicer, are there differences in acceptance of eNotarization of lien releases and assignments versus closing documents?

Other resources


Mortgage Bankers Association: Remote Online Notarization


Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO): Digital Mortgage Resource Center

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