

Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA)

Will an unmarried borrower pair be able to share the same application, or will they have to continue to have separate URLA’s?
Will ICE Mortgage Technology be providing ongoing information and education about the changes affecting Encompass and related products and services with the new URLA?
At the bottom of each page on the new URLA, it says borrower name, is a signature required on each page?
What is ICE Mortgage Technology doing about the recently announced changes and timeline for the new URLA?
Will HELOCs be a designated loan type on the new URLA?
Will ICE Mortgage Technology be providing a matrix of all old and new fields?
Will Encompass Consumer Connect be leveraging the new URLA?
When will the 3.2 format be replaced be MISMO?
How does the new URLA affect disclosure requirements?
Will the new application have the verbiage to authorize the lender to pull credit?
South Carolina requires the branch NMLS# on the loan application. Where can that information be placed on the form so that it will appear on all South Carolina applications only?
Is ICE Mortgage Technology planning on making the Limited Production and Open Production Phases of the new URLA available?
Will each borrower be signing their own application?
If optional, would that be at the loan officer or loan template level?
Where is the rate and term of the loan shown at on the URLA?
Will lenders be able to control access to the preferred language question for borrowers with Limited English Proficiency on the URLA now that this is an optional field?
Will the new URLA have signature/date lines on each page for states that require it?
Is the format in the borrower summary and 1003 pages forms going to change?
Will all fields be changing in the new URLA?
When will ICE Mortgage Technology be providing customers with the ability to test the new URLA?
During the optional use phase, can I pilot usage of the application with a subset of my organization?

Disclaimer: The content below is intended for general information purposes only and is provided to assist ICE Mortgage Technology’s customers and non-customers in complying with the new Uniform Residential Mortgage Application (URLA). This content may contain forward-looking statements about ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc.’s ability and timing to enhance the features and functionality of its software and services. While these forward-looking statements represent our current judgment on what the future holds, they are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results that differ materially. This information is provided as a courtesy to ICE Mortgage Technology’s customers and ICE Mortgage Technology makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of the information set forth herein, and you may not rely on this information to ensure your company’s compliance with the URLA. This publication should not be construed as legal advice or opinion on any specific facts or circumstances, including the application of the URLA requirements. You are advised to consult your own compliance staff or attorney regarding your specific residential mortgage lending questions or situation to ensure your compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.