

Know Before You Owe (KBYO or TRID)

Rule Applicability

Some borrowers obtain subordinate loans provided by housing assistance programs for low-income people. Some of these loans are exempt from having a separate HUD-1. Is each creditor ultimately responsible for providing its own Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure? Or should first lender always disclose both?
Are transactions with 25 acres and more exempt?
How does the rule apply to loans receiving adverse action or loan cancellation prior to issuing the Loan Estimate?
We are a Non-Profit Lender that does Rehabilitation Loans/Grants. Do you know how these changes will affect us?
Do you define “exempt” to mean we are not “allowed” to use the new forms or not “required” to use them? Can we send the new forms on a HELOC for example in lieu of the old? Can we use the new disclosures on all transactions?
So if we have a down payment assistance program that generates a 2nd lien do we disclose the first using the new disclosures or the old?
When can we start the new disclosures?
Can you confirm coops are excluded from the new disclosures since they are not secured by real property?
What if a loan starts off as an Investment Property and old disclosures are sent but later changes to Owner Occupied. Can we then send new disclosures?
Do manufactured (mobile home) loans still require the use of the Good Faith Estimate, Truth in Lending Statement, and the HUD-1? Do we have the option to use the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure?
If an application is received prior to October 3, 2015 and a Good Faith Estimate was provided to a consumer should a HUD-1 Settlement Statement and Final TIL Disclosure Statement or a Closing Disclosure be provided to the consumer when the consummation date is on or after October 3, 2015?
When do the new disclosures become effective and for which transactions?
So for states that use an open-end mortgage this rule would not apply?
In a correspondent loan situation where the correspondent purchaser of the loan is performing the underwriting for the seller of that loan, does the correspondent purchaser have any obligation around the Loan Estimate or Closing Disclosure?
Is there a penalty for providing both the current and new disclosures post October 3?
If I issue a Loan Estimate or a Closing Disclosure am I obligated to make the loan?
Does part of this regulation pertain to appraisers? I didn’t hear any mention of an appraisal portion.
If our document provider is aware of the changes that are coming and provides for the correct docs to be used why do we need to prepare 3 months in advance of the actual change taking place? Can you enlighten us as to any concerns we should have?

Definition of Application

Is there still going to be a fee worksheet type of document to be used or is the Loan Estimate the only allowable document even if the 6 items are not provided?
We generally get proof of income for applicants prior to issuing a GFE currently; with the new forms can we ask for proof of income before issuing a Loan Estimate (we don’t charge any fees until loan closing)?
What is an “Application” for purposes of issuing a Loan Estimate?
Can you discuss implementing the new requirements with a true preapproval program which does not have a property address, yet income/assets are verified?
Can a Loan Estimate be issued with “to be determined” (TBD) as a property address? Is so, does a zip code or lot number constitute a property address?
What date should go on the bottom of the 1003, the date that all six RESPA items are gathered?
Can you restate the reference to prohibitions on requiring W-2’s, etc.?
If the Fee worksheet is used, how will the APR be disclosed?
Can a Mortgage Broker order and pay for the appraisal report on a purchase transaction before the applicant communicates their intention to proceed and before the Good Faith Estimate or Loan Estimate is provided to the consumer?
How can you mail the Loan Estimate if no mailing address is required for an application?
Today is September 26th and I’ve collected five of the six RESPA items. On October 4th I get the sixth item. Do I need to use the new Loan Estimate or do I use the 2010 Itemization?
Regarding web applications – how do you prevent the borrower from entering all six pieces of information so as not to trigger receipt of an “Application”, which triggers the requirement to provide a Loan Estimate?
Why would you issue a Loan Estimate without a property address?

Loan Estimate – Miscellaneous Questions

How do you view the responsibility for the Loan Estimate on the part of the lender in a wholesale transaction as being different than it is currently other than the lender name and loan number on the document?
On a bridge loan where both properties (current residence and property being purchased) are taken as collateral, the loan purpose would be considered a purchase under the new integrated disclosures. Does that mean that the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure would disclose all fees and charges related to a purchase (pest inspection, survey fee, etc.), even though the loan will be a bridge loan?
If a lender provides multiple Loan Estimates, would it be a good idea to have the borrower certify which one is chosen? If so, then the lender should probably document and retain the borrower selection, right?
For electronic delivery of disclosures, after a borrower agrees to accept electronic delivery in compliance with the ESIGN Act must all disclosures be sent through an ESIGN compliant system, or can a lender email a scanned copy of a document through normal email? Can the borrower return the document by email as an attachment?
Are these forms eSignable?
Can a wholesale lender accept a Loan Estimate with a different Lender name listed?
What if you do not plan to act as a mortgage broker initially but end up doing so after a counter-offer to a brokered product later in the process?

Loan Estimate – Timing and Consumer Receipt

Can a creditor rely on evidence of receipt to shorten the 3-day mailbox rule?
Can you talk about how eDisclosures may be impacted by this rule? For example, if a consumer does not consent to electronic delivery in the first 3 days are we obligated to drop the disclosures in the mail?
If you deny an application within 3 days of triggering an application, are there any disclosures that are required other than a notice of denial?
If my teller line is open on a Saturday, is Saturday a business day?
What are the differences between a Creditor's (General) Business Day and the more specific Business Day?
Who should receive the Loan Estimate if the transaction has multiple consumers?
How would you know on a joint application that both borrowers received a Loan Estimate? (We are a wholesale lender.)
If there is a broker in a transaction, is the Loan Estimate trigger date the date the broker received the application or when the creditor receives the application?
When is a consumer considered to have received the Loan Estimate?
What happens if the Loan Estimate doesn’t get delivered within 3 days, can you start over again?
If the application is taken on the same day the loan is locked, does the 3-day delivery rule apply? Or, does the Loan Estimate need to be disclosed by the end of the next business day?
Does the way I provide or deliver the initial Loan Estimate affect the timing of providing the Loan Estimate?
If the borrower does not have email for delivery, what will be acceptable form of delivery on the next day, FedEx or put in the mail?
If we are open for business on Saturday, but the Disclosure Desk is closed, would we still have to deliver a new Loan Estimate on Saturday for Friday locks?
What if the state where you are lending considers Saturday a business day but you as a creditor are closed? Would the state’s ruling take precedent?
Is the Initial Loan Estimate at a minimum required 7 days prior to consummation?
If the transaction has a mortgage broker, who should provide the Loan Estimate?
If you are emailing and there are two consumers, is emailing to one email considered sufficient?
Does this include via email on the original Loan Estimate?
When does the Loan Estimate have to be provided to the consumer?
So, just to be clear, if a creditor emails the Loan Estimate to the consumer after sending the same consumer an email before indicating that the creditor will be forwarding the Loan Estimate to the consumer later that day, and the consumer responds the next day via email to the creditor indicating that they have received the Loan Estimate, then would that set of facts qualify as nullifying having the creditor to wait the full 3 days under the “3-day mailbox rule”?
When a federal holiday is observed on a different day, which day do you count? For example, the 4th of July is on Saturday but is observed on Friday.
For delivery, if we are doing eSigning in person with the borrower, can it be assumed as received as well?
If you are emailing and there are two consumers, is emailing to one email considered sufficient?

Loan Estimate – Details of Disclosure Completion

Can you talk about the use of estimates on a loan estimate? What if a lender has made a good faith effort to obtain a fee, but can't obtain it? How do we indicate the amount reflected on the Loan Estimate is an estimate?
Will the Origination Charges now be broken down for individual fees?
What about the fees charged by Title Companies? Those are not known at the point of sale or even in the middle of the process necessarily.
Where may Conventional PMI, FHA MIP, VA Funding Fee, and USDA/RHS Guarantee Fee be found on the Loan Estimate?
How does one disclose an interest rate of 3.5% on the Loan Terms table? Would it be 3.5% or 3.50%?
What Time and Time Zone is disclosed for the Rate Lock and Loan Estimate expiration date/time?
If FIRREA allows for a real estate evaluation vs. an appraisal, do you disclose the evaluation's value as an estimated property value or as the appraised value?
What information is placed in the Loan ID# field?
If we have additional recording fees being charged to the borrower, where should they be itemized?
What fees and charges are disclosed on the Loan Estimate?
If FIRREA allows for a real estate evaluation vs. an appraisal, do you disclose the evaluation's value as an estimated property value or as the appraised value?
Are the settlement services listed in random order?
Where are Seller Credits disclosed?
If we have additional recording fees being charged to the borrower, where should they be itemized?
Does the Total Interest Percentage (TIP) base the calculation on information compiled from the Amortization schedule?
What information is placed in the Property field if the address is unavailable?
You mention that lender credits are not included in the "Total of Payments" are seller paid fees. Are they also excluded if identified separately and listed in seller column?
What fees and charges are disclosed on the Loan Estimate?
What would I disclose as Purpose on a construction-permanent combined disclosure?
If the Rate Lock Box is checked "YES", why is the additional verbiage appearing in these screen samples? It kind of doesn't make sense to display that on a locked rate except for the expiration date.
For the Total Interest Percentage (TIP) calculation, is the loan amount the same as the Amount Financed or the Total Loan Amount?
Do loans containing closing costs paid by the Lender require any fees to be disclosed since they are not paid by the borrower?
Do we need to change the Time Zone if daylight savings is in effect?
Can the "Estimated Total Monthly Payment" row use a different periodic type, for example, "Estimated Total Yearly Payment"?
What goes in the blanks before the word "License ID" in the far left column?
For the contact information table, if there's no mortgage broker, may that column and header be omitted?
For banks that have a large footprint and if every loan has a different title company, so how would they be able to know fees upfront?
The Loan Estimate has a fixed number of fee lines and it was said that if you have more fees than lines, you will have to combine them. Is there any recommendation on what can/should be combined or is it all up to the Lender?
Should real estate commissions paid by the borrower be disclosed on the loan estimate?
Does the whole dollar amount round up or down to the nearest whole dollar or percent?
Can an origination fee be disclosed as a percent?
How will USDA monthly payments be reflected in the projected payments since it decreases every year?
Must the initial or revised Loan Estimate be signed by applicant?
It’s understood that if a text field is blank then do not use N/A, but if a numeric field is blank should we use 0 (zero)?
Would the amount of the Total Interest Percentage (TIP) be divided by the principal amount or the note amount? And if it is divided by the note amount, would the base or the note amount be included in the VA funding fee if financed? Same question if it was financed with private mortgage insurance
Does rounding take place in every single step of the calculations or only at the final result?
What if the broker doesn’t know to which investor they will be sending the loan so they don’t know the time zone of the creditor?
Where would Home Owners Association (HOA) fees be located?
Where would a real estate commission or owner’s title policy paid by the consumer be disclosed on the Loan Estimate?
The construction period interest rate may also differ from the start rate/initial rate. How is that seen on this form, if at all?
If we are a broker and close in our name and use our warehouse line to fund the loan, but then the loan is purchased from us after the closing, which name will go on the Loan Estimate as creditor?
Could a contact have both a state license ID and an NMLS ID#?
On a Loan Estimate for a locked rate, how does the consumer know the rate lock expires for funding on a refinance?
What Time and Time Zone is disclosed for the Rate Lock and Loan Estimate expiration date/time?
Any thoughts on how to explain the Total Interest Percentage (TIP) to consumers?
If the contract states the Seller is to pay for the owner’s title policy, would that mean that it would not need to be disclosed on the Loan Estimate?
What information is placed in the Loan ID# field if the creditor is unknown?
Do we have to change CDT to CST when time changes in the areas where there is daylight savings vs. standard time?
What information is placed in the Loan ID# field?
The Rate Lock box on the Loan Estimate has a "yes or no" option. We primarily do home equity lending and there is no "lock" and no points. How is that handled?
Do we need to disclose fees that we know will be paid by the lender?
Regarding the Date Issued field, what if there is a mortgage broker?
Is Flood Insurance disclosed in the Projected Payments Table?
Can you talk about the use of estimates on a loan estimate? What if a lender has made a good faith effort to obtain a fee, but can't obtain it? How do we indicate the amount reflected on the Loan Estimate is an estimate?
How does calculating the TIP occur on ARM loans?
What date is placed in the Date Issued field?
How will state auditors look upon disclosures with no lender name or identifier? Are you doing anything to obtain CFPB guidance on this issue?
If we are doing a one-time close construction loan, would the interest only payments during construction be included in the AP table?
Where would I place a tax proration from the seller to the buyer?
Is everything rounded up?
Does the Total Interest Percentage (TIP) calculation follow the same tolerance requirement as the APR calculations?
Where may Conventional PMI, FHA MIP, VA Funding Fee, and USDA/RHS Guarantee Fee be found on the Loan Estimate?
With the requirement to show full amount of Lender's Title Insurance and full amount of Owner's Title Insurance Amount, has CFPB addressed that this would never be the case and grossly misrepresents the cost of getting both thus scaring the consumer from obtaining owner's insurance which would protect them?
Where are Lender Credits disclosed?
What name is used for the Creditor/Lender?
I am not able to get my numbers to match on the TIP. Can you please repeat the formula?
Are discount points paid included in TIP?
Regarding tax proration accuracy on the Loan Estimate – will this be reflected in other cost and can this be updated without re-disclosure but updated to actual cost on Closing Disclosure?
How do I disclose an Interest Rate on the Loan Terms table?
For Loan Term can you use months or can you use decimals instead?
For property-related costs (specifically insurance) on a construction loan where escrow will not be established, often builder’s risk insurance is not in place until vertical construction begins. Would we still need to disclose the builder’s risk under property related costs?

Loan Estimate – Intent to Proceed

So how does a consumer indicate an Intention to Proceed?
When a revised Loan Estimate is issued and Intent to Proceed has not been captured, what should be reflected as the fee expiration date?
Is documenting intent to proceed new?
Does the borrower only have to indicate his or her intention to proceed with the transaction one time or every time a Loan Estimate is re-disclosed?
Why didn't the CFPB include an “intent to proceed” section on the Loan Estimate?
Can we order the appraisal prior to receiving the Intent to Proceed as long as we don’t collect any fees prior to the documented Intent to Proceed?
If fees are not charged until the time of closing do you still need the Intent to Proceed?
Can a consumer indicate their Intent to Proceed prior to receiving the Loan Estimate
Is signing the Loan Estimate considered Intent to Proceed?

Loan Estimate – Variances

Does the requirement for a revised Loan Estimate apply when a lock is extended?
Will the current APR tolerances apply to the new Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure forms?
If the borrower chooses the title company on the provider list provided by the creditor, does the Lender's Title Insurance then become subject to zero tolerance if it’s included in the “items the borrower cannot shop for” area on the Closing Disclosure?
Are the variance categories different than the RESPA tolerance categories?
How does rounding the loan estimate fees affect the variance testing when the true amount of the fee is charged on the Closing Disclosure?
Suppose a fee in the 10% variance (aggregate) category changes by 5% on one day, and then later changes by another 6%. May the creditor provide a revised Loan Estimate and update all new fee amounts or did the creditor lose its opportunity by not re-disclosing within 3 days of first changed circumstance?
With the restructure of fees on page 2, do the same tolerance requirements apply? Such as Origination being a zero tolerance field?
Is there any acceptable variance in APR?
Have you heard that Lender Tolerance Cures are not going to be done in the future?
When lender or seller credits are assigned to APR fees, will it continue to exclude those fees from the finance charge?
While we know the form has changed, will the new Loan Estimate have the same perimeter blocks for disclosing fees, and carry the same cures for being out of compliance as the current GFE perimeters? For example, closing costs needing to be no more than 10% higher than the quoted fees or the Lender would need to give a credit to bring it into the 10% tolerance; would this stay the same?
Can the fees decrease regardless of the Variance Category they’re in?
If a creditor realizes after disclosing the Loan Estimate that the fees are out of tolerance can they deny the application or must they close the loan and cure the fees?
Does disclosed APR becoming inaccurate apply if the APR goes lower than the tolerance?
Do we need to wait three days if an APR changes at all or by 1/8th?
Is it likely that a lender will need to identify whether a consumer shopped or did not shop for a service provider from the list of service providers given by the creditor? Doesn’t the determination of whether the consumer shopped or did not shop for the service change the variance in which it falls, such as the title costs?
What are the citations for the Lender Cure?
What is going to happen to Abstracting fees? Fees vary, heard this was going to be zero tolerance item?
Does a service provider have to be listed on the list of settlement service providers if the borrower cannot shop for the service (example: upfront Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP))? If we do not list the Mortgage Insurance provider, do we still have to list an appraisal company, flood, tax certification, etc.?
If the APR goes down, do we still have to wait three days, since under Regulation Z there is no penalty for that?

Loan Estimate – Change of Circumstance

Is a change in creditor and loan number but with the same rate and fees considered a change in circumstance?
Can a creditor use a Closing Disclosure to document a change in circumstance in order to reestablish a baseline for disclosure charges in good faith?
How about if the closing is re-scheduled, are there any circumstances which would allow sending a new Loan Estimate after the initial Closing Disclosure has been sent?
If you have a changed circumstance do you need to issue a completely revised Loan Estimate (or Closing Disclosure), or only disclose revisions regarding the affected terms or charges?
If the interest rate has been locked on a transaction which includes a Lender Credit, and under a changed circumstance the loan amount is subsequently reduced, can the Lender Credit be reduced?
What if the loan amount changes after the Closing Disclosure is delivered? Isn’t that a changed circumstance that would require a revised Loan Estimate, or would there just be a revised Closing Disclosure?
Say that the lender is doing a marketing campaign saying that they will pay the appraisal fee of $400.00. What if the appraisal comes in at $357.00 – how is that handled? Is a revised LE needed?
Is the selection of a creditor a valid change of circumstance?

Revised Loan Estimate – Revision/Redisclosure (Timing and Delivery)

If the fees decrease, do we need to send a revised Loan Estimate?
What if the locked rate is less than the rate disclosed on the application, do you have to give a new Loan Estimate reflecting what the actual rate is even though it is less the application?
If a loan is locked and then is extended, is a revised Loan Estimate required?
Are we supposed to do a final Loan Estimate prior to closing on all loans? Or just for a change of circumstance only?
If 'points' (origination fee) are being charged that are not discount points and the loan amount changes, can the origination fee change?
If there are no changes to the Loan Estimate do you still have to send a final "revised" Loan Estimate?
If a creditor's loan ID number is disclosed on the Loan Estimate and the creditor changes, you stated that the loan ID number could not change between the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure. Would that mean that a new Loan Estimate would need to be disclosed with the new creditor's loan ID number and waiting periods for both the 3 days (after application) and 7 days (prior to consummation) periods need to be observed?
When the rate is locked are we supposed to send a new Loan Estimate the same day or the day after?
If we disclose in good faith on the initial Loan Estimate an appraisal fee for a high dollar property that would say normally be $1,000 in California and later the engaged appraiser states their fee will be higher due to complexity of the subject property that was unforeseen by the Loan Originator or Loan Processor, can we issue a revised Loan Estimate with a higher fee as a valid changed circumstance and document the loan as such?
Would re-disclosing a Loan Estimate for a re-lock or lock extension need to be done on the same day too?
If loan amount changes, then can the lender credits change?
When must the consumer receive the final revised Loan Estimate?
When is a revised Loan Estimate provided to the consumer?
How should differences between Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure information be handled? For example, if there is no loan ID number at time of Loan Estimate is it okay to leave it blank then have a loan ID number on the Closing Disclosure?
If there is a bona fide changed circumstance but it does not exceed the 10% variance, a revised Loan Estimate is not sent. Then a second change of circumstance occurs. The aggregate of the two changes would now exceed the 10% variance. Do you now re-disclose to the consumer with both fees being adjusted or just the fee that puts it over the 10% tolerance?
What if no lender credits are decided until the loan closing, does a new Loan Estimate need to be provided to reflect this?
If the Lender Credit is associated with the rate and an extension is required, can the lender credit decrease?
So are you saying if a loan interest rate is floating and locks later in the process you MUST re-disclose?
When a loan is re-disclosed all fees are re-disclosed, shouldn’t only the fee(s) associated with the change of circumstance be re-disclosed?

Closing Disclosure – General Information

On a rescindable transaction would the borrower become obligated after the 3 days is past or is that also subject to state contract law?
How would you handle a construction to permanent loan? Should there be a Closing Disclosure for the construction and a Closing Disclosure for the modification to permanent or would you suggest treating them as two separate transactions?
Regarding consummation, when you refer to state law are you referring to contract laws or the laws that apply in a wet vs. dry state?
If there is no loan ID number at time of Loan Estimate, is it okay to leave it blank then have a loan ID number on the Closing Disclosure?
We know that the disclosures prior to closing will be changing, as well as the rules regarding those disclosures. Will the forms used at closing, such as the HUD, TIL, Note and Mortgage, be changing as well as a result?
Does the loan ID number on the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure have to be the same loan ID number an investor must use once they purchase the loan?
Some states take months to record documents, how would this comport with the 60 day requirement if there is a recording fee refund?
Will settlement agents and attorneys be required to purchase a software package that contains all of the required documents and new forms? We don’t prepare our own documents.
If you have 2 sets of borrowers, wouldn't you deliver a Closing Disclosure for each borrower set?
Closing Disclosure must be provided within 3 days of closing. If there is a change can the consumer(s) waive the 3-day period to proceed?
Can you shorten the 7 days before consummation requirement by attaining consumer acknowledgement?

Closing Disclosure – Timing and Consumer Receipt

How would the previous scenario regarding the Closing Disclosure affect the borrower's adjourning on a loan at the closing table and potentially rescheduling the closing for a later date?
If the Closing Disclosure must be received by the borrower 3 business days prior to closing, can I assume their closing will be delayed if they don't sign it until the day before the scheduled closing?
If the Closing Date indicated is 6 days after the date the disclosure was sent however, we can prove that the borrower received the CD before the 6th day, can consummation occur prior to the indicated Closing Date?
The Closing Disclosure must be provided within 3 days of closing. If there is a change affecting the Closing Disclosure can parties waive the 3-day period to proceed?
When does the consumer need to receive the Closing Disclosure?
Does a non-borrowing spouse have to sign the Closing Disclosure three days prior to closing as well or just sign it at closing?
The Closing Disclosure should be provided 3 days prior to consummation. Does this include the day of consummation?
When do I need to provide a Closing Disclosure to a consumer?

Closing Disclosure – Details of Disclosure Completion

The date on the model Closing Disclosures for the date issued is indicated as 4-15-2013, and the closing date is the same. Shouldn't the date issued be at least 3 business days in advance?
What about signature lines for sellers?
So in the contact information column, if the column is blank, it shouldn't show at all, correct?
What is the difference between the File# and the Loan ID# on the top of Page 1 on the Closing Disclosure? Where would the File# come from?
Can a settlement agent add additional lines to a section of the Closing Disclosure?
What date is placed in the Date Issued field?
When a specific fee is paid by the creditor, it’s placed in the “Paid By Others” column. Do I need to give it any sort of designation?
In the case of a refinance, is closing date the signing date or the disbursement date? Assume this is a primary residence with 3 day rescission.
Where may Conventional PMI, FHA MIP, VA Funding Fee, and USDA/RHS Guarantee Fee be found on the Closing Disclosure?
What is the File#?
What must be included as late charges?
Not all late fees are 15/5%, can that section be altered as needed?
Is there anywhere in the Closing Disclosure that the percentage of the Prepayment Penalty is shown or does the CFPB only require the dollar amount be shown on page 1 in the Loan Terms table?
Does the "Summaries of Transactions" replace the final Hud-1 itemization sheet?
Who is supposed to be the listed Settlement Agent for purposes of the Closing Disclosure when you have a title company that is working with a "Workshare Partner" who will be issuing the title policy for the loan as the agent? For example: Title Co. - A is the company preparing the Closing Disclosure; and, Title Co. - B is issuing the title policy (ordering the title abstract, issuing the Closing Protection Letter, issuing the title commitment, and is responsible for the recording of the Security Instruments). In this scenario, who would be the party that should be listed as the Settlement Agent on the Closing Disclosure and why?
What is “Liability after Foreclosure”? How do we know which box to check for each state?
What is the Loan ID#?
We have to give disclosure 3 business days before closing, what day do we date the form?
What is the “Disbursement Date”?
Is Flood Insurance reflected in the estimated payment?
Who is the “Settlement Agent”?
If you do not have a Loan ID number at time of the Loan Estimate, is it okay to leave that blank and then have a Loan ID number on the Closing Disclosure?
Who is considered the settlement agent, the company issuing the loan policy or the company/attorney conducting the actual settlement?
Where is a tax proration from the seller to the buyer placed?
When the Loan ID# is disclosed on the Loan Estimate, is it required to remain the same on the Closing Disclosure? Is there any reason that it can change?
What does this look like for Mortgage Brokers? If they are changing Lenders and have to reflect the same Loan ID number on the Loan Estimate versus the Closing Disclosure?
Will the CFPB come out with a clear definition of the closing/consummation date that applies to all transactions, refinance, and purchase? It seems the term “closing date” varies across geographic regions.
If a seller agreed to pay a specific dollar amount towards the buyer's closing costs, should those items be placed in the seller's column of the Closing Disclosure or as a lump sum in the cash to close section?
What is the minimum number of contacts that must be listed?
Is a lender required to disclose other 3rd party fees (i.e. HOA contributions, short sale negotiator)?
When is a fee considered “paid to” a person? How does this affect where the fee is disclosed on the Closing Disclosure?
The disbursement date is often dependent on escrow/title as to when they can close/disburse the loan, is the lender now responsible for these dates?
Is the “Paid by Others” column assumed as paid by creditor if a fee is input there?
Will any seller and/or realtor credits be required on the Closing Disclosure when it must be received a minimum of three business days prior to the closing?
What is the Closing Date?

Closing Disclosure – Variances versus Loan Estimate

If the borrower chooses the title company on the provider list provided by the creditor, does the Lender's Title Insurance then become subject to zero tolerance since it appears to be included in the items the borrower cannot shop for area on the Closing Disclosure?
Can the fees decrease regardless of the Variance Category they are in?
What are the citations relating to tolerance cures?
Can a creditor use a Closing Disclosure to document a change in circumstance?
Can we include a cure for a tolerance on the Closing Disclosure?
Is it likely that a lender will need to prove whether the borrower selected a service provider to define the “shop for/did not shop for” on those costs that could go either way, such as the title costs?
If the APR goes down, do we still have to wait three day, since under Regulation Z there is no penalty for that?
If the Loan Estimate has combined fee values and the Closing Disclosure has individual fees listed, how are the fees compared?
Do we need to wait three days if APR changes at all or by 1/8th?
Is there any acceptable variance in APR?
Does disclosed APR becoming inaccurate apply if the APR goes lower than the tolerance?
Are the variance categories different than the RESPA tolerance categories?
How does rounding the Loan Estimate fees affect the variances when the actual amount is disclosed on the Closing Disclosure? In particular, fees like Line 1 and Transfer Taxes, which have a zero variance allowance?
Have you heard that Lender Tolerance Cures are not going to be allowable in the future?
Will the current APR tolerances apply to the new Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure forms?

Revised Closing Disclosure – Revision/Redisclosure (Timing and Delivery)

What are the cures for the Closing Disclosure post consummation?
If redisclosure occurs after the closing disclosure has been mailed, for tolerance purposes, are the fees disclosed on the Closing Disclosure compared to the last compliant loan estimate provided or compared to the previous disclosed Closing Disclosure?
Would changing from a 30 year fixed-rate loan to a 15 year fixed-rate loan be a loan program change requiring an additional three day waiting period if the APR does not change enough to violate tolerances?
How about if the closing is re-scheduled, are there any circumstances which would allow sending a new Loan Estimate after the initial Closing Disclosure has been sent?
Would you explain under what circumstances a revised Closing Disclosure must be delivered to borrowers requiring an additional three business-day waiting period?
I would like to confirm that we do need to re-disclose a Closing Disclosure if the fees change but that no additional waiting period is required for the fees that do not have a tolerance such as borrowers insurance policies.
If a loan amount changes but does not affect the APR over the tolerance do we still need to re-disclose the Closing Disclosure?
Could you clarify the statement: “A product type change on the closing disclosure would mean a three day wait for closing?” There are also 2 more items that would incur a new three-day waiting period, what are they?
If the closing date is modified after issuance of the Closing Disclosure, does that trigger a three business day waiting period? Or does it only apply to fees and terms of the loan?
If there is no tolerance on the Total Interest Percentage (TIP), does that mean if interim interest changes by a day or two a new Closing Disclosure would be required?

Other Disclosure Effects (Other than LE or CD)

Have you heard if any States will be changing their disclosures that have Rate Lock information in order to remove that language from their disclosures now that it will be on the Loan Estimate? (i.e., In CA/CO we have to send a revised state-specific disclosure to show the loan is locked along with a new GFE.)
Are CHARM booklets needed for applications received on and after 10/3/2015? What about special information booklets?
In the "Other Disclosures" section it states that the lender is required to give the borrower a copy of the appraisal at least 3 days before closing; what if the borrower waived this right? How would this be addressed?
Is the requirement for providing an initial RESPA Servicing Disclosure eliminated? In regards to the statement concerning whether a creditor intends to service a loan on page 3 of the Loan Estimate, will this satisfy/replace the current required servicing transfer disclosure?
Is the requirement to provide a Notice of Right to Copy of Appraisal eliminated or will it continue to be a separate document? Since the ECOA appraisal language is on the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure, will this change the Notice of Right to Copy of Appraisal? My concern is the waiver language; if the form is discontinued, will there be a new form to record waiver of timing?


There is constant regulation placed upon the lender/creditor, and with this the amount of time it takes to close a loan will be expanded. Is anything being done to educate Realtors in this regard? Almost every purchase has a Realtor demanding a less than 30 day close.

Disclaimer: The following information is intended for general information purposes with the goal of assisting ICE Mortgage Technology’s customers in complying with the new KBYO regulations. This information is provided as a courtesy to ICE Mortgage Technology’s customers and ICE Mortgage Technology makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of the information set forth herein, and you may not rely on this information to ensure your company’s compliance with the KBYO regulations. This FAQ should not be construed as legal advice or opinion on any specific facts or circumstances, including the application of the KBYO regulations. You are advised to consult your own compliance staff or attorney regarding your specific residential mortgage lending questions or situation to ensure your compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.