Resources/FAQ/Home Mortgage Disclosure Act


Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)/Reg C

Collecting Ethnicity, Race & Sex

Collecting Ethnicity, Race & Sex (Chart)


What is the definition of temporary financing? Would this include a 12-month bridge loan?
Does "Preapproval", when the final loan disposition is "Approved but Not Accepted", also mean "Preapproval Mailings"?

Encompass Use/Behavior Questions

There are several fields that require the No Co-Applicant code to be reported in the HMDA LAR. How can I manage that for applicable loans with no co-borrower?
If a customer uses the Encompass generated loan number during processing and a final servicing number for boarding to its servicing platform, what loan number will be Encompass user to generate the ULI?
Will the HMDA Age fields 4183 and 4184 be calculated by Encompass?
Can I turn on the "Default to 2018 HMDA" Admin Settings earlier than 1/1/2018?
We would like to begin using the new Demographic Information before 1/1/2018. Can we change the HMDA Admin Settings 2018 HMDA Default to a date prior to 1/1/2018?
Will Encompass convert a loan number containing an alpha character to its numeric equivalent, for the ULI number?
Will the Closing Cost Details automatically feed into the HMDA screen based on fields completed elsewhere in the software?
Will Encompass auto populate the middle credit score in the appropriate HMDA / LAR Field?
Will Encompass exclude borrowers defined as Title Only?
Will Encompass be able to support both the 2017 & 2018 GMI differences in 2018?
There are several fields that are required to be reported as "NA" or "Not Applicable". How is Encompass handling this reporting requirement?
When the "Use 2018 DI" Field 4142 is checked, there is a big red "X" on the 1003 Page 3 GMI section. Is this acceptable?
Does Lender Credits Field HMDA.X80 use General Lender Credits or Specific Lender Credits.
Will Encompass be able to support Reverse Mortgage applications from start to finish?
When will the Pipe Delimited File be made available?
How can I get the New 2018 HMDA Information forms into Input Form Builder?
If I select the HMDA DTI, CLTV or Income Not Relied Upon Fields HMDA.X97, HMDA.X98, HMDA.X99, will this impact my loan file DTI, CLTV and Income fields?


After the effective date of the rule on Regulation C, this will require my organization to file a Loan Application Register (LAR) for the first time. Are there resources available to assist us in understanding the requirements under Regulation C?

Origination Channel

Originations Channel (Chart)

Public Disclosure Statements

Will Financial Institutions be required to download and maintain Disclosure Statements and Modified LAR information for public access since this data will be available on the CFPB website?

Purchased Loans

Is a purchased loan by definition a "covered loan" that had an application date prior to 10/03/2015?
Would HELOC loans purchased from another institution count towards the 100 open-end lines of credit?
Can you define "loans purchased"?
Does a loan "purchased" refer to us purchasing the loan or the entity purchasing loans from us?

Reportable Data Fields

Will you be touching on the GAI information? We have struggled with this question for quite some time now our bank relies on the cash flow to base our decision to approve or deny a loan.
Is reporting the "Rate Spread" changing from the present "NA" to "N/A" (including the slash), if not applicable?
If a commercial loan officer originates the loan, is there a "not applicable" option for the NMLS ID field?
When we purchase a loan, our origination system assigns it a new loan number. We do not use the Broker's loan number. Will this have to change with the 2018 data collection?
Where would obtain the information to know what "purchaser type" an investor might be?
Regarding ethnicity and race what do we choose if the application is taken over the phone and we cannot see the applicant?
Can you clarify how a contractual bi-weekly loan would be disclosed for "Maturity Term"?
Purchased Loan, Covered Loan, Effective date of Integrated Mortgage Disclosures
Can you be more specific regarding reporting ethnicity and race for loans purchased?
Do we report "Loan Amount" as the "outstanding unpaid balance" not the original loan amount if we perform interim servicing until loan sold?
Do we continue to collect the "sex" of the applicant after the effective date of the rule?
Why do we have to guess the sex of the applicant if they do not provide it? I am not comfortable guessing whether the applicant is female or male and taking the chance that if inaccurate, the applicant may be offended.


Are "fix and flip loans" reportable for HMDA purposes?
As a depository institution if we originate less than 100 open-end lines of credit, do we only report closed-end loans? And is this a cumulative total for 2 years?

Disclaimer: These questions and answers are provided based on those received during webinars provided by the ICE Mortgage Technology Compliance Department, and those submitted to ICE Mortgage Technology directly by you. This content is intended for general information purposes with the goal of assisting ICE Mortgage Technology’s customers and non-customers, in complying with the future provisions under Regulation C (HMDA). This information is provided as a courtesy to ICE Mortgage Technology’s customers and ICE Mortgage Technology makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy of the information set forth herein, and you may not rely on this information to ensure your company’s compliance with Regulation C (HMDA). This publication should not be construed as legal advice or opinion on any specific facts or circumstances, including the application of the HMDA regulations. You are advised to consult your own compliance staff or attorney regarding your specific residential mortgage lending questions or situation to ensure your compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.