Products/Credit Bureau Management

Credit Bureau Management

Reporting, reasonable investigations, and dispute management made easy

ICE Credit Bureau Management helps servicers reclaim critical time investigating and correcting credit disputes. Integrated with ICE’s industry-leading MSP® loan servicing system, Credit Bureau Management comprises two modules that automate cumbersome manual processes and help servicers reduce the cost and overhead associated with credit disputes

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Two robust modules to automate cumbersome manual processes and help servicers reduce the cost and overhead associated with credit disputes

The Effective Dated Payments module helps servicers capture and correct payments that were reported to credit bureaus as being posted past their due date. The Dispute module both streamlines time-sensitive processes in a reasonable investigation and acts as a repository for all credit disputes that come in to your team – whether internally or externally.


Reduction of manual data entry

Credit Bureau Management can pull a customer’s loan information directly from MSP to compile a report to the four major credit bureaus


Seamless flow of data

Integration with third-party credit dispute history provider removes the need for servicers to re-enter information when submitting forms to credit bureau reporting agencies


Configurable logic

Servicers can define how they want payment corrections presented and completed to meet business needs


“One-click” audit trail

Credit Bureau Management helps servicers index their disputes, manage pipeline workflows, preserve a reproduceable audit trail to support compliance


Workflow management

Provides visibility into the dispute pipeline and allows servicers to see at the loan level which back-office employee is working on which dispute

Effective Dated Payments module

Capture and correct post-dated payments with ease

This module helps automatically identify late payments within a portfolio. Then, using business logic that servicers can configure in-house, it can determine whether a credit correction is needed for each payment that is effectively dated. This saves time and resources, removing the need for teams to do intensive manual reporting to verify whether a given payment should be post-dated.


Reduce manual reporting


Streamline reasonable investigations

Disputes module

Save critical time when disputes come in

The Disputes module streamlines the time-sensitive processes that comprise a reasonable investigation. The solution automatically compiles information used in investigating or correcting a credit dispute, while also recording why the information was used for audit purposes. Plus, it acts as a repository for all credit disputes that come into a servicer’s team – whether from a credit reporting agency, your customers, or internally.


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AllRegs user training

You just received a consumer credit dispute. The clock starts now.

AllRegs user training

ICE Further Automates Credit Dispute Processing for Servicers With Enhancements to Credit Bureau Management

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